Thursday, July 26, 2007

A local phenomenon

Yesterday, Angela decided it was the day to take me to the museum-workshop of Francisco Brennand, an artist born in Recife who has achieved a worldwide reputation. He works primarily in ceramics but is also an accomplished painter. He comes from a prominent local family that owned a ceramics factory, producing the tile that is ubiquitous in floors, walls, kitchens, bathrooms, as well as other ceramic products. The factory has moved elsewhere and for over 30 years Francisco has converted the factory into his workshop and gallery, producing an amazing environment of tile and sculpture. It's impossible to describe--"fecund" is a good start--but his website shows many of the structures and objects to great effect, and the photo below puts me into the picture. Eggs are a recurrent theme.

The meal described in the previous entry was at the cafe at the Brennand museum, and the plates on which we were served were of his design, made in his workshop. You can purchase tableware like this or floor and wall tiles for your home—for a significant price.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this photo of you, Carolyn! I'm thinking about making an abacaxi com hortelã. If I could only grow pineapples! Keep writing ... Linda