Monday, August 13, 2007

On to Tubarão

We leave Recife tomorrow morning on a 6:35 flight, through Rio, to Florianópolis, and then go by bus to Tubarão for the SIGET conference, the 4th International Conference on Genre Studies, which is hosted by the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. I don't really expect to have internet access there, so this may be the last entry until I get home on August 20.

I had hoped to do entries on flowers (there are some in bloom here, but not a lot), birds (haven't seen many), and the city of old Recife, where Carl and I spent some time today. I may get to this later. And I hope there will be different things to say about the south of Brazil, which is at latitude 28º 28' 00" south, or about the same as Tampa in the northern hemisphere. It's several thousand miles from here.

One more picture. Here's the poster for the day-long conference on Digital Literacy at UFPE last Thursday. I think there were about 90 registered participants, including many of the students in my class. We had the luxury of simultaneous translation, in both directions, provided by Fatiha Parayba, also a student in my class and an experienced translator. During my presentation, I had to be asked to slow down so she could keep up.

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